Ways to Incorporate Video into a B2B SEO Campaign
A B2B SEO strategy relies on content. This is nothing new. Content is what informs target audience members and encourages B2B decision makers to select the product or service that you provide. It’s also what attracts the attention of the search engine spiders, improving your overall footprint online. When B2B marketers set out to create content, they think about blog posts, articles, white papers, etc. These are all great content formats- but what about video? Video somehow usually gets forgotten about or put on the back burner for a variety of reasons.
Businesses make excuses like, “We don’t know what to film” or “We can’t afford editing equipment”. These excuses simply don’t cut it anymore. B2Bs need to face the facts- people like watching videos online. The fact that YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google proves it. People have different learning styles and prefer to consume content in different formats. If you aren’t creating B2B marketing videos you are missing out.
Here are 5 video content ideas to easily incorporate into a B2B SEO campaign:
Edit webinars
Webinars are a staple of B2B marketing. It’s a way to get target audience members to interact with your brand and learn more about what you have to offer. Most companies host free webinars, which is a contributing factor as to why they are so popular. However, not everyone is able to attend the webinars that you host that might be interested. Maybe their plate is already full during the day and they prefer to catch up on industry related news or other topics that interest them after work hours. Many companies will post the full webinar somewhere on their site to download, but sometimes a webinar can be long. Using a simple and free editing software you can break it into smaller sections and create shorter videos.
Film a product demo
B2B products can sometimes be complex. Even those that would benefit the most from using it, might not completely understand how it works. If you sell a B2B product, it’s essential to have a product demonstration video that you can point potential and current customers to. B2B decision makers know that they have a need, now it’s up to you to demonstrate how your product fulfills that need.
Film presentations
Whenever anyone within your organization gives a presentation (at a training session, trade show appearance, industry event, etc.) you should capture it on film. Like webinars, not everyone is able to attend these types of events that might be interested. You can upload a full presentation or edit it into sections. Usually there is a corresponding PowerPoint document to go along with the presentation and each slide could be a video itself.
Share videos in blog posts
Creating a quality YouTube page for your business is great, but instead of directing someone to a social sharing site, it’s always recommended to direct traffic to your website. When you post a video to YouTube, pull the embed code and include it in a blog post along with a brief write up on what the video covers.
Categorized in: B2B Digital Marketing