Don’t Host a Business Blog on a Separate Domain
One of the best ways to give your SEO program a boost is to become a content marketing machine. Content that includes targeted keywords is what gets noticed by the search engine spiders and content that provides useful information is what gets noticed and shared by target audience members. Win win. Any SEO Specialist will recommend that you start a business blog in order to have an outlet to share content on a regular basis. A website owner has two options. First, they could buy a new domain titled something like “”. Second, they could incorporate the blog onto their existing website.
Here’s why option two is the best bet, every time:
The site is established
A huge search engine ranking factor is the trust factor of the website, which is partially conveyed by the amount of time that the domain has existed. A website that is 5 years old and implements an SEO campaign will see results much quicker than a brand new website. If you decide to launch a business blog on a separate domain, it’s pretty much like starting from scratch. Even if the content is great, it will take time to gain any momentum in the search engines. On the other hand, if your website is already established, any new page of content (like blog posts) that are added to the site can begin to rank for specific long tail keywords that are targeted in the post.
Built in SEO program
If you’ve been working at SEO on your business website for some time, all of the trust that your site has established will automatically transfer over to the blog if it’s incorporated onto the site. Launching a business blog on a separate domain means that essentially you now own two websites that will need SEO work. In addition to properly optimizing each blog post with unique title tags, meta descriptions, etc. you will also need to create a separate link building strategy for the blog. Link building is difficult enough as it is for one site, nevermind two.
Drives traffic to your site
If you are creating great blog content, it may take some time to gain a following and momentum but it will still result in visitors clicking over to the blog. This is why blogging and social media go hand in hand. Social media provides an outlet to share blog posts and other content with people that are interested in what you have to offer. Social followers will follow your accounts because they know that you are a resource of information. A social media campaign is only successful if the accounts remain active and are sharing something interesting. By keeping a blog updated it ensures that you also keep your social accounts active and it helps to improve social signals for SEO as well. If the blog is incorporated into the architecture of the business website it gets people onto your site, where you can include calls to action and get people to click over to product and service pages. If the blog is on a separate domain, a visitor may not even initially understand that it’s a business owned blog and there are that many more steps involved in getting them over to the main business website.
Categorized in: Content Marketing