Make Content Creation a Top Priority
If you want to grow your business it’s necessary to have an online marketing presence today. If you want to succeed in online marketing it’s necessary to create quality content on a regular basis. Content is really at the foundation of an online marketing strategy. Without good content you really can’t execute an SEO campaign, a social media campaign, a PPC campaign, an email newsletter campaign, etc. While content is such a necessary component to marketing success, many businesses still struggle with it. Common complaints are that there is no time to dedicate to content creation and that there is nothing to write about. It’s time to make time for content creation and stop using “there’s nothing to write about” as a lame excuse. There’s always something to write about, no matter what industry you are in.
Here are some content marketing tips to keep you on track:
Create an editorial calendar and stick to it
When it comes to content creation, organization is key. At the beginning of each month, determine what days/times will be dedicated to creating content. It could be 20 minutes one day, an hour the next, etc. It’s just important to schedule it into your daily routine. When something is scheduled it’s harder to ignore it or put it off until another day.
Keep a running tab of ideas
Some days your “creative brain” may be more active than others. Inspiration for content topics can really strike at any time so it’s important to keep some kind of journal or notebook of topic ideas. That way, when you sit down to write you can easily reference the notebook if you can’t think of a good topic that day. You should always have content marketing on the brain. If you are in a meeting, on the phone with a client, or working on a project an idea might come to you. Don’t think that you will remember what it was in the future. You probably won’t! Write it down then and there.
Speak to others within the company
Marketing content is typically created by the marketing team, but that doesn’t mean that other departments shouldn’t have a say. Speak to employees in other departments about their duties and what they do on an average day. It’s likely that there are some great topics in there that would be of interest to target audience members. The customer service team is always a great resource since they are working directly with customers on a daily basis and hearing what their questions/concerns are.
Minimize the approval process (as much as possible)
Content is only valuable if it’s being published. Many companies require content to be approved by multiple departments, managers, etc. before it ever is seen by target audience members. While it’s a good idea to be thorough like that, it can take a long time. If possible, leave the content approval to one or two trusted team members.
Categorized in: Content Marketing