Daily SEO Tasks That Are Very Important
Search engine optimization (SEO) requires more than a weekly or monthly effort. It is an ongoing effort. This daily effort will keep your SEO performance at its peak, whereas if your effort is off and on, your results will be the same. If you go all-in with your SEO efforts for one week and then take a week or two off, your results will not be what you hoped for. While there are tasks you should do daily for your SEO, don’t mistake this for it being an all-day job. Create a checklist for each day and you will realize it doesn’t take a lot of time and will be well worth the effort.
Here are a few of the daily tasks you can add to your checklist that will benefit your SEO campaign:
Publish High-Quality Content
This may feel like an overwhelming task, but remember that the content you post does not have to be long. Good content is good content, whether it is 500 words or 2,000 words. The important part is that you have something to share that will benefit your visitors in some way.
Search engines reward websites that are regularly posting new and relevant content. If you’re able to do this on a daily basis, great, but if you can’t, you should always be brainstorming new content and updating at least a few times a week. Content will help you to generate inbound links, social shares, and search engine traffic.
Be Active on Social Media
When you have posted fresh content to you should always post it to your social media accounts. This will let your followers know you have fresh content and hopefully they will not only like it, but share it as well. The more eyes, the better. An active social media account is more likely to be followed as well, so this is another good reason to create high-quality content as often as you can. Don’t forget to like and share posts of others in your niche as well. They may be inspired to return the favor and share yours.
Educate Yourself on SEO Practices
It’s important for a website owner to know the ins and outs of good SEO practices. Like anything, the SEO industry is always evolving and you don’t want to be left behind. Find reputable industry blogs and bookmark them for easy access. If they have a newsletter, sign up for them to have the content sent directly to your inbox. This will save you the time of having to look for them again. A couple of ideas to get you started include Search Engine Land and the Google Webmaster Central Blog.
Adopt Link Building Practices
Link building is an important part of SEO. While you may not find opportunities for link building every day, you should still keep an eye out for them. While doing your other SEO tasks each day, you can be on the lookout for these opportunities. Reading industry blogs, checking social media accounts, and exploring industry websites may offer link building opportunities.
By completing some or all of these tasks on a daily basis, your SEO campaign will see positive results.
Categorized in: SEO