Digital Marketing Won’t Save Your Business
You believe in your business. You’re excited about it, and you know that it has a real chance to succeed. Yet, after some time in business, your profits aren’t where you want. Your business has truly reached a crossroads. What should you do?
One of the first impulses may be that you will now outsource to get your digital marketing plan together. When clients come to us at this stage, they believe that pumping more resources into marketing will surely boost profits.
On some level, this does make sense. However, this does leave out an important point. While marketing can help your business succeed, it won’t necessarily save it. In fact, by the time many companies come to us with “saving them” in mind, it might already be too late.
Why Isn’t Your Business Isn’t Doing Well?
Before you set out to solve the problem as to why the business isn’t as successful as you’d like it to be, you really should try to identify the cause. If you try to solve the problem before you identify the reason, you could just be throwing money at something that doesn’t need fixing. You want to zero in on the real issue before you take action. You could also be completely wasting your time.
Also, if you spend your resources on items that don’t need fixing, you not only could be wasting these resources, but you could actually be making the problem worse. Think about it. Making changes to something that you are actually doing right won’t solve your business issues.
Digital Marketing Doesn’t Fix Operational Issues
This is a scenario we have seen more than once. A company looks to hire us to bring them more business. On the surface, this is a good thing. That is what digital marketing can do for your business. However, in digging further, we realize that the company has much larger issues.
A good digital marketing plan won’t fix these problems. It may not even bring you more business. We could help you increase your traffic, write great content for your website, and help you manage your social media, but this won’t help your business if there are other problems that need solving.
For example, if a company is completely disorganized, an increase in traffic or leaves won’t fix it. Let’s imagine that your shopping cart constantly breaks and orders are getting lost. If you choose not to address it, but rather step up your marketing instead, this won’t help your business. You need to solve that shopping cart issue before you will get any value out of increasing your digital marketing efforts.
Businesses Should Always Have a Digital Marketing Plan
Of course, we are not saying that you shouldn’t have a digital marketing plan in place. In fact, you should have one right when you become open for business. If you don’t, you could be selling yourself short if you don’t. Having a plan sets you up for success.
However, if you are already have a digital marketing plan in place, this won’t necessarily solve your business problems and allow you to find success. Examine what the real issues are before you take action.
Categorized in: Digital Marketing