You Don’t Need to Call it a Blog
When it comes to your content marketing strategy, nothing has a bigger impact than having a blog and posting regular content on it. However, the word “blog” has certain connotation associated with it, and not all of them are good. Blogs are seen as informal, and many fear that the term “blog” will discredit their brand. Not only is this not true, but the word “blog isn’t even fixed. You can refer to at as “insights”, “articles”, or even “news” depending on its purpose. Here’s more information about this:
Blogs Don’t Need to Be Informal
In order to maximize your blogging for your content marketing strategy, you need to first understand that it doesn’t need to be informal. While a blog could have informal content, that doesn’t need to be this way. Blogs can be whatever you want them to be, and as part of your marketing strategy, you don’t want to miss out on the benefits, which include establishing credibility, providing more opportunities for your website to be found in the search engines, and increasing traffic. This is an important point to keep in mind, and one that will also help you select the right term for it.
Its Name Will Depend On Its Purpose
Depending on blog’s purpose on your website, your word for that section on your site might change. At its simplest, a blog is a collection of articles and other types of content, organized in a “daily journal” format. Webster’s Dictionary defines a blog as “a website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by the writer”.
If you hold to that specific purpose of it, then your intent might be a little more informal. If the blog is a little more formal, you may want to call the section “articles” or “insights”. Mostly, you will want to align your name for the section with its purpose, as well as your company’s branding.
Branding Will Help Determine its Name
On many levels, your company’s branding will dictate what you choose to call the section. Even though it is technically formatted like a traditional blog, that doesn’t mean that you need to stick with it as your name. If you are branding that section as a place to get news or trends, you can call the section “news”, “trends”, or “latest trends”. This works especially well for sections that are focused on delivering timely information.
Another example is if you are providing a lot of really high level content in that section. If theses the case, it might work well to call the section “articles”, “content”, or even something like “digging deeper”. If you want to convey that you are an expert at the content, you can call it “insights” or another word that shows how knowledgeable you are.
The truth is, every website needs a place to regularly post new content. It doesn’t matter what the section calls, what matters most is that posting the new content happens on a regular basis. It’s honestly not wrong to call it a blog, but that may not be the best choice.
Categorized in: Content Marketing