Don’t Miss These Easy Link Building Opportunities
Link building as a whole isn’t easy. That’s because a big link building focus is on generating natural inbound links that are earned by publishing great, linkable content. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some easier ways to get inbound links. There are plenty of “low hanging fruit” link building opportunities, you just need to know where to look. Here are 4 easy link building opportunities you don’t want to miss out on:
Brand mention links
As a company grows and becomes more recognizable online due to marketing and public relations efforts, there’s a greater chance that the company as a whole or its products or services will be mentioned across the web. However, a mention in an article, blog post, etc. doesn’t always coincide with a link. From an SEO perspective, it’s a huge missed opportunity! Some website owners don’t link on purpose, but others really just aren’t thinking about it. Anytime you see anything about your company mentioned anywhere on the web and the company name/brand/product isn’t hyperlinked, be sure to reach out to the website owner and thank them for the mention and politely ask if they can add a link. To find these opportunities, set up a tracking tool like Google Alerts to alert you whenever branded terms are found online.
Industry directories
The word “directory” tends to have a bad connotation in the SEO world thanks to the old SEO practice of adding your website to every low-quality directory that exists. Thankfully that practice is long gone, but that doesn’t mean that you should rule out all directory submissions. There’s a good chance that you already know of some in your niche and you can always search your important keywords + directory to find more. As long as the directories are relevant, legitimate, created for users, generate traffic, and are manually reviewed by humans, they can be a great addition to a link portfolio.
Partner links
It’s common practice in many industries for a company to partner with other companies in a related niche. For both SEO and user purposes, it’s recommended to include partners on your website and link over to their website and they should do the same. It’s a legitimate relationship outside of SEO, so there’s no reason to worry about it looking like a spammy link building tactic.
Sponsorship links
Many companies have a sponsorship budget that goes towards local events to promote goodwill among the community. If your company is sponsoring any event or organization that has a website, ask for a link on a “sponsors” page. In addition to getting a link for SEO, it’s a great way to promote brand awareness in a local area and generate traffic from a local audience.
Sure, the research and outreach component of this link building takes time, but it’s certainly not hard to do. The search engines like to see links coming from a variety of reputable sources, and obtaining these “easy” links is a great way to give a boost to your link portfolio.
Categorized in: SEO