How to Mess Up a B2B SEO Campaign
B2B decision makers are taking advantage of the web when it’s time to research a service or product provider. This means that if you operate a B2B, you need to be active in marketing the business online. SEO is an important aspect of B2B online marketing since one of the first places decision makers look for information is the search engines. B2Bs can start a B2B SEO campaign with the best of intentions but certain mistakes can cause the whole campaign to fail.
Here are 5 common ways that B2Bs mess up an SEO campaign:
They don’t publish content
Content is essential in order to be successful with SEO today, and it’s more than just the existing content on your website. You need to be publishing content on a regular basis today in order to improve your SEO and brand visibility online. It takes time to create content, which is what deters many businesses from doing it. However, think about the kind of information that target audience members are looking for. If your business isn’t publishing this kind of thought leadership content that will help to instill trust in your business, it’s a missed opportunity.
They target the wrong keywords
B2Bs can be stubborn in thinking that they know exactly how people would search for what they have to offer, even though it’s often not the case. Those that are “too close” to the business may be using complex industry jargon that a prospect may never use. It’s important to keep in mind that people that might use your product or service might not be searching for it the way you’d think they would be. The keywords that are selected need to match user intent.
They aren’t active in social
Social media isn’t just for B2Cs. Nearly everyone is using social media to some extent today and there are plenty of niche social networks that extend beyond Facebook and Twitter. LinkedIn is a great place for B2Bs, as it’s a business focused site. To get the most out of LinkedIn, join groups that are related to the industry. Share your own content and comment on content that is shared by other people. It’s a way to network.
They don’t leverage other marketing assets
B2Bs can’t rely only on SEO. Other marketing efforts need to be utilized. It’s important to leverage these other marketing efforts for SEO. For example, if a business presents at a tradeshow that can be turned into SEO gains that include the following: a link from the tradeshow website, a press release that includes targeted keywords, blog posts before, during, and after the event, and event focused social media activity.
They make unnecessary website changes
All websites need a “refresh” every once in awhile, but for SEO purposes it’s best to keep the changes to a minimum. Website changes can affect SEO success, especially if the web developer that is doing the work doesn’t know much about SEO. If a change is necessary, be sure to consult with an SEO firm first.
Categorized in: B2B Digital Marketing