The Point of Social Media is to Build Business
Social media is essential for every business today, but it’s important to understand what role it has. Otherwise, your social media efforts won’t yield the results you desire. In fact, more and more businesses today are getting involved with social media, but it’s important to understand what it can do for you.
Their main focus is on getting lots of fans and followers and they don’t even consider that it’s really about much more than that. They see it as a numbers game. Of course fans and followers are crucial to a social media strategy, but it’s important to really think about social media as a long term branding tool.
Make sure you understand how social media can help your business before you get started! Here are some tips that will help you make the most of it:
It Depends on the Type of Business
When it comes to developing a great social media program, the type of business you have will help shape your strategy. For example, if you have a B2C company, your goal should be to get a lot of followers and people sharing your posts with the people on their friend’s lists. This will help you build your brand and increase your revenue. If you have a B2B company, you’ll want to focus on the quality of your followers because your main goals should be to legitimize your brand and also communicate with your audience.
It’s Part of Content Marketing
Essentially, social media is part of an inbound content marketing strategy. A social media page is a place to share content and connect with various audiences. In most cases, it really isn’t going to result in a quick increase in sales. However, it’s a great way to stay top of mind and establish your brand reputation and presence in the eyes of your target audience. A social media strategy should be built for the long term. It’s about sharing content now that will lead to trust which will lead to a sale or conversion at some point in the future.
It’s About Building Relationships
Many companies don’t understand the relationship-building component of social media. They think, “Great! Another place to push my coupons!” and their posts just look like a bunch of ads. Links to promotions are certainly beneficial, but you shouldn’t clog your follower’s feeds with them. In fact, doing so is a surefire way to lose followers. The beauty of social media is that it allows people to connect with those that they probably wouldn’t have otherwise connected with so easily. This includes their favorite brands. Because you are connected, it’s almost like you are equals in the social space. Social media users believe that a connection means a relationship. It’s important to respect that relationship and nurture it. In addition to promotional posts, share things that your social media followers would appreciate and actually interact with them. Ask questions and request feedback. Social media is about being social, after all.
Remember that with social media, it helps to understand what it will do and how it will fit in. Here are some things that social media can be used for:
Lead Generation
One of the best ways to use social media is as a lead generation tool. This is especially true for B2B businesses. Since your follower’s lists will be of a higher quality, this means that many of them will be potential customers. Since this is the case, you can use social media to bring in more leads. If your goal is to bring in more leads, however, you should make sure that you have the right kinds of followers.
Paid Engagement
If you have a B2C company, it may be true that you don’t expect to get many sales from social media. However, you can still use it to help build engagement with your brand by sponsoring some of your posts. For instance, you could post a flier on Instagram and once you sponsor it, this could lead to more sales.
Organic Engagement
Writing engaging content is important for both B2C and B2B brands. When you write content that is helpful and entertaining to your audience and then share it on social media, you help build engagement over time. This will help nurture your potential customers. Once they’re ready, you can easily convert these leads into sales.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to social media, the best advice I can give is to keep it as simple as possible. Define your strategy and how it fits with your business. Make sure you understand how it fits with your content marketing strategy and stick with it. Give the strategy enough time to work because most “failure” happens by failing to stick with a strategy long enough. This means that your expectations were unrealistic. Understand the big picture of how the strategy will fit in with your business and be sure to stick with the strategy long enough to work.
Categorized in: Social Media