PPC Is Essential for Branding in SEO
When creating your brand, there are many strategies that effectively work together. It’s a collective effort between your company’s website, logo, social media presence, and search engine optimization. Pay per click advertising is also a big part of this, especially when it comes to branding that is related to search engine optimization. When businesses compile their pay per click campaigns, they often do so by focusing on the keywords, without realizing how these search phrases fit into the big picture. This is a misconception! Pay per click is an essential part of branding in the search engines. Here’s how.
Use PPC to Test the Waters
When performing your initial keyword research for your company’s website, the only thing you have to go on is the actual data provided by your keyword tools. Even though this data provides a fairly accurate assessment, it’s the real world application of these keywords that can really help you hone your site optimization plan. Rather than optimize your site for keywords right off the bat, you can actually use PPC to test the waters.
The results from your PPC campaign can help you determine if the particular keywords will help with your branding or not. If they don’t you can remove them from your overall optimization plan. Your ultimate goal is to test whether the branded keywords convert. If they do, you’ll know that your efforts to build your brand are starting to pay off.
PPC Keywords Do Matter
It can take months for a well thought out SEO plan to come to fruition in the search engines. If you would like to gain momentum quickly, PPC offers an excellent way to jump-start. This is an essential strategy not only for website traffic, but also for brand building. Your ultimate goal is for users to associate certain keywords with your business. This is the ultimate way that PPC, SEO, and branding all work together.
Not only that, but keyword selection does matter! Creating a PPC campaign around these keywords will help increase the visibility of your brand. Not only that, but your keyword choices will represent your brand! Each keyword should be deliberately chosen to represent your brand. Your PPC campaign helps to widen your scope.
So, which types of keywords can help build your brand in PPC? Here are some examples:
- Branded keywords. These are the keywords that include your company name or any official slogans. Customers will automatically think of your business when exposed to these keywords.
- Descriptive keywords. If you have a business that provides website hosting, your descriptive keywords will be related to that. These keywords basically describe what your business, or brand, does.
- Local keywords. Is your business dependent on a location? If so, you’ll want to include local search keywords in your PPC strategy. That way, customers will associate your business with the region where it operates. This is also a big part of branding.
When developing your brand, a lot of thought needs to go into the keywords you will use. This is helpful not only in optimizing your site, but in your PPC campaigns, as well.
Categorized in: SEO