Proactive vs Reactive Digital Marketing
There are two ways we have noticed that clients approach digital marketing – taking a proactive approach versus taking a reactive one. In an ideal world, everyone will be proactive, but that takes a lot of planning. Reactive digital marketing puts clients in a sort of panic mode, and by the time they get to that point, it might actually be too late to salvage. The sooner you start digital marketing, the better. Here are some thoughts:
Start Digital Marketing Right Away
The goal is to create and implement a solid digital marketing strategy from the beginning of the business’s life. These days, digital marketing should form the core of a marketing strategy. Everyone is online and the digital space provides the most impact. This doesn’t mean taking a piecemeal approach either. Your strategy needs to be comprehensive to provide the maximum impact.
Yet, this isn’t always something that happens with our clients. They often wait. They may do a few activities, such as perform a technical SEO audit and do a PPC campaign, but frankly, this isn’t enough to form an impactful digital strategy. The sooner you create and implement a comprehensive strategy, the better.
Don’t Wait Until Results Are Poor to Start
One thing we have noticed is that clients often wait until their business starts to decline, such as their leads dropping off, before really taking their digital marketing seriously. The issue here is that if you wait until it gets to this point, it could already be too late. Think about it. It takes six months to a year or more for a digital marketing strategy to really start working. What if you only have three months before your business folds? It’s far too late for digital marketing to make an impact.
Look at it this way, too. If you had your digital marketing strategy set up and being implemented from the beginning, perhaps it could have prevented the business from getting into such a dire state in the first place.
Taking a Proactive Approach is the Best-Case Scenario
It really is true that taking a proactive approach is best for your digital marketing. It gives your business its best chance of succeeding! The secret is that an effective digital marketing strategy is holistic, meaning that it is directly connected to the business’s goals. It creates an environment that fosters success of that business. It is the very reason why the business will have customers. Without digital marketing, people won’t know that your company exists.
That is why it is so important to take it seriously. By the time you feel that you “need” digital marketing, it might be too late. However, keep in mind that it is never too late to start. If your business is simply “dipping” and is not in dire need of a turnaround, you will still have a chance to use digital marketing to make your business strive.
Take a proactive approach and not a reactive one and your business will be better for it in the long term.
Categorized in: Digital Marketing