Is There a Google SEO AI Penalty?
With AI being used more often to create content these days, it’s normal to wonder if there are penalties that come along with doing so. Google does not penalize the use of AI for SEO, but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t things to take into consideration if you decide to use AI to create SEO content. Here are a few things to take into consideration when taking the AI route for your SEO needs:
High-Quality Content is Rewarded
Google rewards high-quality content, no matter how it is produced. Various factors play into how content is determined to be high-quality. These include expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. High-quality content can be written by AI, but there’s more to consider when creating quality SEO content. You want to be appealing to your target audience and this means knowing who they are. AI lacks the emotion and personal touch that customers prefer. Internal links are also valuable to high-quality content, but they must also be relevant and reputable.
Appropriate Use of AI
As mentioned, there is no penalty enforced by Google for using AI to create SEO content, but they do have some guidelines. Google is anti-spam, so in their effort to reduce spam, they use their SpamBrain system to tackle the issue, whether spam is human or AI created. Google is not against AI-generated SEO. In fact, they state that automation has been used for quite some time to generate useful content such as weather forecasts, sports scores, and even transcripts.
As long as AI generates content that follows Google’s standards, it is considered appropriate. AI-based SEO tools can analyze online content and give insight into where improvements can be made. When creating content with the use of AI, use the same approach as you would if you were writing it yourself. You want to edit for tone, spelling, and grammar. Google’s goal is to reward high-quality content and remove low-quality content.
Using AI to Generate Content
It’s clear that Google does not penalize the act of using AI for SEO purposes. Before deciding to take this route yourself, there are a few things to think about. If your goal is to use AI in order to produce fast, easy, and inexpensive content to boost your search engine results, this is probably a bad approach. On the other hand, if you think AI is helpful in creating useful SEO content that will benefit your target audience, it’s probably a good option for you.
Something else to consider is whether or not to use a byline when posting AI-generated SEO content or to give AI credit. When it comes to Google News, Google policy says that bylines and author information are required. For general SEO content, though, use your discretion. There is no harm in admitting that content was produced using AI since it’s being done by many creators and businesses these days.
Google doesn’t penalize the use of AI for SEO purposes, but it’s important to keep their guidelines in mind whether using AI or writing SEO content yourself. Your SEO will benefit greatly from well-written content, whether it is produced by AI or by a human being.
Categorized in: SEO