SEO Clients Can’t Disappear From the Process
If you’re in the market to hire an SEO firm, here’s one important thing that you need to understand: you will need to be an active participant in the SEO process. If you think that you’re outsourcing the work so that you don’t have to deal with it and you can just review monthly reports you will be in for a big surprise.
For some reason this situation keeps happening. A potential SEO client inquires about services, we go through the sales process and explain our SEO approach making sure we tell the prospect that they need to be involved in the process, the prospect agrees, signs a contract, we get to work, and then within a few months- poof! Where did the client go? A client might start off with the best of intentions and claim that they understand that they need to be involved and things might be fine and dandy to start. But then things start to get busy on their end and they assume that the SEO firm should be able to handle it from there. Sorry, this isn’t true.
SEO professionals are experts at SEO. What they are not are experts in all of their client’s individual niches. Sure, over time the SEO firm will have a better understanding of the topic and be able to make industry specific recommendations but will never become “experts”. That’s why the client always needs to have their hand in the process too, to make sure that the SEO strategy is in line with business practices and is targeting the correct demographic.
As an SEO client you need to understand that you will be approving items and providing guidance throughout the duration of the SEO campaign. And here’s another catch- an SEO campaign should never end! SEO is an ongoing process. As soon as you halt any SEO activities you will start to see a gradual decline in the organic search growth that was achieved. So basically this means that as long as you are working with an SEO firm, you should expect to be in monthly, if not weekly or daily, contact with your SEO firm.
Throughout a campaign an SEO client needs to approve many items including but not limited to keywords, on site content changes, and industry link suggestions. In addition, a crucial component of SEO today is content. If the SEO firm is doing any writing, the client needs to be the one providing topics and then reviewing the content to make sure it is 100% on target. Again, SEO professionals and content writers aren’t experts in the topic!
So, what happens if you, as a client, do pull a disappearing act on your SEO firm? Quite simply, the work doesn’t get done! A good SEO firm isn’t going to go ahead and make changes to your site, obtain inbound links, or post new content if it wasn’t approved. If the work isn’t getting done, the results probably aren’t going to be there and the client can only blame himself or herself. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
Categorized in: SEO