Top Reasons Why SEO is Slow
One of the most important points that we try to make to prospective full service SEO clients is that SEO is a slow and sometime very long process. It’s not the kind of marketing tactic that’s going to have immediate results or a quick ROI. The complete opposite is true. In fact, it can take many months or possibly even years to start to see that return. Obviously this is very frustrating to clients who want to know why that is.
Here are 3 reasons why it can take a while for an SEO program to start seeing results:
Trust is Hard to Achieve
The search engines want to rank the sites that are going to provide users with the best possible experience. The websites that perform the best in search are the ones that are “trusted”. Many factors play into attaining this trust including the SEO practice of link building however one of the factors that the search engines look at is the domain age of a website. Thousands of new domains are registered every day. They might turn into a great source of content or they might be another fly by night site that is only maintained for a few months which is why the search engines pay attention to domain age. The search engines don’t want to rank a site that isn’t in it for the long haul. Content that is published on a website that has aged will perform better than the content that is published on a relatively new site.
There is a Massive Amount of Website Content that Already Exists
Think about how much content is being added to the web every second of every day. While it may not all be in direct competition with you in the search engines, there’s a good chance that at least some of it is. Every time that you publish a blog post or update your status on a social media site, your competitors and others in related industries are doing the same. In the grand scheme of things publishing a few blog posts really doesn’t mean all that much. In order to attract the attention of the search engines you will need to be posting content on a regular basis for an extended amount of time in order to even begin to make an online “footprint”. In fact, you need to stick with this schedule indefinitely in order to see the results you want.
It All Depends on the Search Engines
Because it is relatively easy to find content online, it is all too easy to think that it doesn’t take much in order for your own content to be found right away.. You should be able to write a blog post, publish it, and see it live in the search engines right away, right? It normally doesn’t happen this quickly! It can take some time for the search engines to find the content and index it. It also probably won’t be anywhere near the top of a search result at that point. In needs to get some attention first, in the form of links and shares. This is another reason why it’s so important to play by the search engine rules. If you get a penalty because the search engines for some reason found something “bad” about your site, it can take a very long time to see any improvement, even if you fix up the site immediately.
Putting together an effective SEO program is an important aspect of your company’s overall success. You spent time putting together a great website that is designed to bring in leads and customers. However, you will only see results if you get traffic. SEO will help people find your company from the search engines, but it does take time. Starting a great SEO program is a great first step, but the plan also needs to be consistently worked indefinitely. Over time, you will see the positive results that you would like. If you are looking for a quick boost in targeted visitors and leads from the search engines, then consider launching and investing in a pay per click, search engine advertising program, such as Google Adwords.
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