SEO Items That Should Be Executed Regularly
Unlike most marketing campaigns, an SEO program doesn’t stop. It is a long-term strategy that will benefit your website if you keep up with it. Search engines prefer websites that are active and consistently adding high-quality content. This, along with inbound links that point to your website, create an environment that allows users to find your business.
Once you have achieved a prominent ranking, you might feel like you can stop working on your SEO efforts. Unfortunately, this is not the case. When you abandon your SEO campaign, you risk losing your prominent ranking as the items you were doing to get there are no longer keeping you there. Some SEO tasks are fine to do less often, but still on a regular basis, such as keyword research. There are other things though that do require you to execute them more often. These tasks include:
Link Building: Link building is a crucial part of your SEO campaign. When done in a non-spammy way, it can help search engine crawlers to crawl your website more often and recognize that you have valuable content that is being shared. To link build, set your sights on relevant websites. You can guest post or blog on these sites. Commenting on other’s blog posts, that are within your industry or niche, can also help your link-building efforts. Spend time regularly looking for opportunities for link building.
Publishing Content Regularly: Adding new content to your website is a good opportunity to use targeted keywords that will help you to rank in search engines. When you publish content on a regular basis, you don’t need to keyword stuff each new piece. If you’ve done your keyword research and continue to publish content consistently, this will help your SEO. Keyword stuffing can result in penalties and hurt your SEO efforts. New content doesn’t have to be long, but it should be high-quality. Focus on offering your target audience informative content they can use and will want to come back for more and share.
Sharing Your Content On Social Media: Your job isn’t done once you’ve written and published new content on your website. Your visitors may share your content, which is great, but you should make this an important task in your SEO campaign. Every time that you publish a new piece of content, you should share it on all relevant social media platforms. These are the platforms that your target audience spends time on and where they will see your posts. While social media doesn’t directly impact ranking or SEO efforts, it can have an indirect impact as over time as it helps to build natural inbound links.
Staying Up-To-Date on SEO: Part of being successful with your SEO campaign means keeping up with what’s happening with SEO. Like any industry, things change and evolve over time. You can keep up on current trends by reading industry blogs that can be trusted. A couple of these blogs include Search Engine Land and Google Webmaster Central Blog.
By regularly executing the above SEO items, you can help to maintain and even improve your ranking, making it easier for users, especially your target audience, to find you.
Categorized in: SEO