How to Set Yourself Up for SEO Success
How do you know if your SEO program is up to par? How effective your SEO program is depends largely on how you prepare. In other words, there is a right way to do things and then there’s a wrong way. There is also a bit of an in-between where your actions could be effective, but your SEO program could still stand to be tweaked.
The good news is that everyone can succeed at SEO. Here’s what you need to be doing to set yourself up for success:
Keep your knowledge up-to-date
Like most industries today, SEO is constantly evolving. Whether you’re handling SEO in house or outsourcing it, it’s necessary to make sure that whoever is responsible is keeping up with current trends. They should be reading authoritative industry blogs, a member of reputable industry groups, and continually updating and modifying their strategy based on what they learn. If they’re taking the same approach they took even just a few years ago, they’re doing it wrong. A “stick in the mud” mentality is going to hurt for two reasons. First, your site will fall behind more savvy competitors and second, outdated methods could harm your site and result in a manual or algorithmic search engine penalty.
Be willing to invest
A quality SEO campaign requires an investment of time and resources. If you don’t have it and you’re planning to go the cheap route just to say you’re “doing SEO,” don’t even bother. No SEO is better than cheap SEO and you’re better off waiting until you have the resources. Invest in hiring an experienced in house SEO or take the time to research a reputable SEO firm that is going to get results. In addition, consider the investment in modern SEO tools that will make the job easier.
Understand that it’s an ongoing process
In SEO the old adage rings true, “slow and steady wins the race.” If you’re expecting results quickly, you’re better off investing in a PPC campaign. SEO requires ongoing work. Taking a one and done approach, like optimizing the site but not doing any content marketing or link building, really isn’t going to generate much long-term success.
Measure results
What’s the point of running an SEO campaign without measuring the results? Regular reporting allows you to see what’s working and what might need some tweaking. The SEO reporting go-tos are Google Analytics and Google Search Console. After all, it’s information straight from Google – the king of search. If your site doesn’t have Analytics or Search Console set up, make it a priority to do so. Keep in mind that measuring the trend over a period of time is going to be a better indicator of success than comparing month to month. This is especially true for seasonal businesses. Give your SEO campaign plenty of time to be recognized by the search engines before worrying about results.
What’s most frustrating about SEO is that it requires a significant investment, yet it’s slow to build and see positive results. But that’s just the way it is, and understanding this from the get go means that you’ll be in a much better position over the long term.
Categorized in: SEO