Why Social Media Timing Matters So Much
Posting on social media has many benefits including the ability to post the messages you are trying to convey to followers as well as when you post these messages. In addition to making sure you write posts that will catch the eye of your followers, which matters a great deal, you want to post them at times when they are most likely to see them.
While posting first thing in the morning or last thing at night might be most convenient for you, it might conflict with when your followers are actually online and able to see your message. Since people don’t go to each individual account to see updates, you want to post when your message will appear in their feed.
Here are a few things to consider when timing your posts on social media:
Timing for B2B: When it comes to B2B companies that that you want to appeal to, the best time of day seems to be during work hours. When people arrive to the office in the morning, they are more likely to begin checking social media for updates. Their lunch hour is another time when they are more likely to be checking social media, since they are eating and taking a break from working.
Timing for B2C: When it comes to posting for B2C companies, there is another angle to consider. With B2C, a social media is often connected to a campaign, a sale, or a commercial. It’s important that social media posts are made as the event, such as the sale, is occurring. You want to post during peak times, such as lunchtime, but must also take into consideration who your target audience is and where they live. If you are in a different time zone, this is something to consider. The east coast is 3 hours ahead of the west coast and if you are an online business holding a sale, you want as many people to be aware of it without over posting.
Individual social media sites also have social media timing considerations you may want to think about before posting.
Timing for LinkedIn: When using LinkedIn for your social media campaign, posting in groups should be times when people are most likely to see them. If you post around, or just before, lunchtime, more people are likely to see it as they are sitting down to enjoy their lunch and catch up.
Timing for Facebook: Posting on Facebook is a little trickier as only a small percentage of users see posts going live. When it comes to Facebook posts, ones with the highest engagement (likes and comments) remain at the top for a longer period of time. When posting on Facebook, you may want to consider content that will get people interested enough to engage.
Timing for Twitter: Posts on Twitter occur in real-real time. Since an algorithm isn’t used, posts need to be timed correctly in order for your target audience to see them. You want to post before an event, such as a sale, so that people know it’s going to be coming up. You will also want to post during the event.
Timing for Instagram: Posting on Instagram is similar to posting on Twitter. Posts will appear in real-time. Instagram is slightly different though, because you don’t have to post numerous times a day, which will lead to having similar content in your account. Instagram Stories are a good place to post for events and you can include the link to your post that describes it in more detail. With stories, they only remain up for 24 hours, but people can view them on their own schedule within those hours.
As you can see, depending on whether you are dealing with B2B or B2C as well as individual social media sites, timing differences of your posts may need to be taken into consideration.
Categorized in: Social Media