The Argument Against Specialized SEO Services
Many companies understand the importance of SEO, but just don’t have the time or resources to do it themselves. So, they make the smart decision to start looking for an SEO company or consultant to assist them. When researching SEO options you may come across companies that specialize in SEO within a certain industry.
Is specialized SEO better? The simple answer is no. In our experience, it is actually much better to hire a firm that has worked across multiple industries. This will help maximize your SEO results.
Don’t fall into the trap of using a specialized SEO firm. Here’s why you should consider hiring a generalist, instead:
“One Size Fits All” Approach
Specialist firms often take a “one size fits all” approach when it comes to putting together an SEO plan. In other words, it’s likely that your SEO campaign will look very similar or exactly like someone else’s. Even if you are in the same industry as someone else, no two companies are exactly alike. It’s important to make sure that your campaign is customized to suit your individual needs. You need a firm that will take everything into account, such as your demographics, business goals, and your industry in order to create an SEO plan that will optimize results.
Conflict of Interest
Specialist agencies often have a conflict of interest. Because they’re working with competitors within the same industry, they can’t help but let that impact their interactions with your company. Not only that, but if your agency is working with many other clients that offer the same thing that you do, there is no loyalty. If you offer a product or service nationally it’s likely that a specialized SEO service provider is also working for your competitors. If all of the strategies are the same, nobody can really come out on top.
Stifled Creativity
When they’re always working with the same types of clients, it’s easy to just do the same thing over and over without spending time to think outside of the box and develop new strategies. The approach becomes stale. This could prevent you from truly benefiting from the relationship with this firm. Because every company needs a custom-tailored SEO approach, having the creativity become stifled could hold the process back. Sometimes, it’s these new ideas that can make or break your success.
Specialized companies can get lazy and assume that what is or isn’t working for Client A will be the same for Client B. They don’t do all of the necessary research because “it’s already been done” and incorporate the same keywords, meta tags, and link building tactics into campaigns for numerous clients. This ultimately means that you and the other companies that are clients of the firm will be competing for the same keywords. This could eventually cause your SEO results to not be as good as they could be.
Limited Options
When you choose an SEO company, you want to have a lot of options to choose from. There are likely only a handful of SEO companies that specialize in your industry. If you choose to go with one of them, you are missing out on working with some very talented people. A good SEO expert can work with a variety of clients across all industries and get results because they take the time to understand the client, their target audience, and their marketing objectives.
There is a lot that goes into choosing the best full service b2b SEO firm for your company. You ultimately want to hire one that has a proven track record of success. It’s also much better if they have a lot of experience across different industries. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that a specialist is better equipped to handle your needs! In fact, the opposite is true.
Categorized in: SEO