3 Things to Know About Your Target Audience Before Creating Content
Online marketing today is all about content, content, and more content. This might lead you to believe that quantity is what matters. But content isn’t for your bosses that are focused on hitting quotas and it’s not for the search engines to improve your SEO (even though that is an important indirect benefit). Ultimately, content is for your target audience. It’s for the people that you want to buy your products. Before creating any content you need to keep these people in mind, or else your content won’t have its desired effect.
Here are 3 things you should know about your target audience before creating content:
Who they are
Sure, you might know who your target audience is on a broad scale, but more specifically, whom are you trying to reach with this particular piece of content? Every target audience member has a different level of knowledge and different needs. Sure, some content might apply to everyone, but sometimes it’s important to get more specific. Which brings us to the next point…
Where they are in the buying cycle
Depending on your niche, your buying cycle may be very long. This is especially true in the B2B sector. Business owners or other decision makers aren’t going to just hand over their credit card information without conducting extensive research. It’s important to create content that is suited to prospects at every stage of the buying process. First, start broad. The research is just getting started when a prospect realizes that they have a problem and start looking for solutions on a broad scale. There’s a good chance that they don’t even know exactly what they are looking for at that point. They just know that they need a solution. Once they figure out what that solution may be, they’ll start digging a little deeper. For example, in our industry, someone might start off searching for “how to appear in Google”. Then, after understanding that “SEO” is a solution, they’ll start searching for “SEO”. If they want to pursue SEO further, they might start searching for SEO solutions providers. If we can provide information every step of the way, there’s a good chance we’ll be a part of their consideration set.
How they search
Again, it’s important to be specific here. People are more likely to click on a link if it includes the exact words they used in their search. Utilize keyword research tools and incorporate keywords into your content, but don’t go overboard. It needs to be natural. Another great resource is your customers and prospects themselves. Conduct interviews to find out what their questions are. Your customer service and sales team likely has a list of common questions as well. Every question can be turned into a useful piece of content. If one person has the question, you can assume that others do too. In fact, the question can be the title of the article.
Categorized in: Content Marketing