B2B Specific Social Media Strategies
It’s true that for any kind of business, having social media is beneficial. Depending on the type of business you have, your strategy will vary slightly. The same goes for a B2B company. You’re going to come at things from a slightly different angle than if you were a B2C. Here’s what you should consider when creating a social media marketing strategy for your B2B:
Know Your Audience
When creating a B2B social media strategy, it’s important to remember who your audience is. You are a company who is looking to attract other businesses who will have an interest in the products you sell. They will be making large bulk purchases in most cases rather than a one-item purchase such as a general consumer would make. Your audience will also be more limited because it is a specialized product or service that only a targeted group of businesses will be interested in. It also takes longer to convert a B2B customer and can cost more to do so.
Share Statistics and Data
General consumers might not be interested in statistics and data related to your industry, but you can be sure that a B2B will be. When posting on social media, you want to attract the attention of businesses who have a problem or need that they need solved, even if they don’t know it yet. Not only will this inform your audience, but you will demonstrate your knowledge of your industry and help improve your credibility with your audience.
Since B2Bs make large purchases, they need to be convinced that what they are buying will benefit their business. You can share stats and data through infographics and graphs in addition to your text-based content. They are easy-to-read, but still informative pieces that will give them much needed insight into a particular topic.
Share Case Studies
Sharing case studies on social media will allow your B2B to showcase your success to date. This can help to build trust with your B2B audience, showing them that you are reliable. If they have a need for your product or service, case studies will show them that you have value to them. Other businesses can also learn the best practices for their B2B and lead to increased engagement with your company. Sharing case studies can help to encourage other businesses to purchase what you’re offering and in turn drive your sales.
Share Industry Tips
Your audience is typically involved in the same industry as you are, so you want to attract and engage them. You can do this by sharing advice and tips that are of interest to those in your industry. You will not only share your expertise, but encourage engagement with your following. When you offer tips that people can use, you create meaningful relationships and trust. By sharing tips and advice people find valuable, they will also be more inclined to visit your website, which they may share on their own social media pages.
As a B2B, you need to approach social media in a way that appeals to other B2Bs. They are a different type of consumer who have different needs. When you approach social media by focusing on your audience, your success will show in increased engagement and revenue.
Categorized in: B2B Digital Marketing